TU Priorities
Transformation isn’t new at TU. Businesses and industries have always had to grapple with currentday realities while also looking ahead to what’s next and be ready to transform. Every step of the way, TU has been there to ensure students learn what’s practical and what’s next for success in an ever-changing professional world.
Transforming curriculum, and in turn its impact on learning, is an ongoing commitment that has never remained idle. It is our mission – to educate students by linking knowledge to professional practice.
The need to transform again is more urgent than ever.
Our energy and resources have always been focused on practical yet innovative programs, fostering an environment for all students to feel known and thrive, and ensuring student outcomes. Those priorities will never change. Yet over time we are presented with new opportunities that we get to prioritize for the sake of helping students succeed. The opportunity that is in front of us now is clear: create new and innovative learning environments that faculty and students need and deserve. This creates environments that reinforce and help enable the student outcomes we desire.
Dr. Lillian Schumacher, Tiffin University President
Our Priorities.
Four pivotal priorities. One enduring commitment.
Our priorities are all about, and will lead to student success. They are practical, necessary and innovative in the way they will impact the TU experience. These priorities are part of a larger vision and plan to continue transforming Tiffin University over the course of the next decade. Collectively – and with your support – they will transform campus, the TU experience and the lives of students. For good.
Priority One: Murphy Academic Support Center and Pfeiffer Library
Pfeiffer Library holds the distinction of being the first building for which TU raised funds and constructed – “from the ground up.” Now, more than 50 years later and after a number of quick fixes to keep pace with changing times, it is no longer optimized for today’s technology or today’s students.
The Murphy Academic Support Center and Pfeiffer Library will transform a mid-century library into a nimble, 21st century hub of intellectual engagement and enrichment with modern spaces that can flex to meet the needs of future TU students. Its intentional design will foster deliberate and necessary interaction for learning, teaching and collaboration, while still giving students a technology rich destination for independent study. This renovation will ensure that the Murphy Academic Support Center and Pfeiffer Library is restored as an important crown jewel of campus for academic advancement.
- Reconfigured footprint to maximize functionality, efficiency and traffic flow across 12,055 sq. ft.
- Designated research zones and data areas
- Enhanced in-library discovery services
- Optimized access to evolving print catalogue and electronic assets
- Increased technology and charging access
- Independent workstations
- Comfortable seating and furniture
- Fully digital computer labs
- Flexible testing and classroom space
- Enhanced office spaces
- Added storage space
Priority Two: STEAM Corridor – Center for Science and Technology
Science and technology are among our fastest growing areas of study within the University, yet they are also the least equipped to provide students with adequate space to learn and practice scientific principles and methods in a laboratory setting.
The seamless connection between the Hertzer Technology Center and the existing Science Laboratories creates the unified STEAM Corridor: Center for Science and Technology. By establishing more laboratory and instructional space across the STEAM Corridor footprint, a more robust learning experience occurs. The integration of spaces also signals the integration of the interdisciplinary disciplines of chemistry, biology, forensic and applied sciences. And we’ll introduce a 2,400 square-foot exercise science laboratory where students will delve deeper into the essential role of physical activity and exercise in the prevention, treatment and recovery from a variety of disease conditions. In all, three new laboratories will ensure that students in forensic science and applied health sciences develop the experiential skills they’ll need in the workforce.
- Reconfigured footprint to maximize functionality, efficiency and traffic flow across 12,055 sq. ft.
- Designated research zones and data areas
- Enhanced in-library discovery services
- Optimized access to evolving print catalogue and electronic assets
- Increased technology and charging access
- Independent workstations
- Comfortable seating and furniture
- Fully digital computer labs
- Flexible testing and classroom space
- Enhanced office spaces
- Added storage space
Priority Three: Center for Innovation and Learning
The future Center for Innovation and Learning has been described as “the largest endeavor to enhance student learning on TU’s campus.” Some of the Center’s features include:
- More than 30,000 square feet of living and learning space
- Center for Entrepreneurship
- New faculty offices
- Group study spaces and meeting rooms
- Boardroom
The institution is currently working on clearing the space needed for construction, so be on the lookout for future updates!
Priority Four: University Scholarships and Endowments
Without exceptional faculty to lead our programs and a diverse student body who can afford to learn from them, the college experience isn’t complete. University scholarships and endowments are essential for TU to fulfill its purpose of transforming lives through education. In tandem with the important facility upgrades and new structures, making scholarships and endowments a priority ensures that students and faculty members alike have undeniable reasons to entrust their future to TU.
First and foremost, we make our practical and private college education within reach of more financially deserving students. TU already is more affordable than other private school options in Ohio. This focus on University scholarships is an intentional focus on first-generation students and those who may not have the financial resources for a college education. With increased scholarships, the scales tip further in their favor.
A commitment to growing endowments has a multi-pronged purpose. Through endowed chairs and academic priorities, we are able to secure the best and brightest professionals in their respective fields who support our practical, real-world education. But endowments do far more than impact our teaching priorities. They also help us attract one-of-a-kind events, exhibits and renowned speakers to campus, support athletic endeavors, pursue untapped opportunities and ensure that other aspects of the campus experience are top notch. Through endowed giving, the opportunities to customize gifts – and help in the ongoing transformation of TU – are limitless.
Let’s transform Tiffin University Together
Schedule a time to meet and discuss the opportunities available and the role you can play in helping us transform the TU experience and the lives of countless students.
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The Office of Institutional Advancement and Public Affairs
Mitch Blonde
Vice President for Institutional Advancement & Public Affairs / Chief Advancement Officer